We won!!!
So back towards the end of March, the rear passenger door of my car was backed into while parked in front of my house. I didn't see it happen, but it left a pretty obvious mark.
Undoctored File photo
Then on April 8, I witnessed the front passenger side corner get backed into. Luckily I saw it happen this time and got the guy's insurance. I noticed that the bumper from the truck that hit me on April 8 matched the damage that was done a few weeks prior, so I filed two claims, one for each date.
You can even see blue paint (from my car!) on his bumper
His insurance paid for the claim I witnessed, but refused to pay the other. And despite being low on cash because I had to pay the deductible to my insurance company for the other incident, I asked my insurance company to take them to court.
In reality, what they do is an arbitration/subrogation, where three independent insurance companies decide if the other side is at fault.
Well, the GREAT NEWS is that I just got a check in the mail for my deductible...which means that they found the guy at fault! What a relief.